I am excited to announce Aitua’s Guitar Quartet next Afroclassical concert-conference. On the menu, musical compositions from black and afro descendent composers such as Le Chevalier de Saint-Georges, Scott Joplin and many others, that I have arranged for classical guitar. The concert-conference format allows us to play their music, but also to tell you about the life of these composers, as well as the historical context of being Afro descendent in Europe and the United-States between the 18th and the 20th century.
The concert-conference will take place in the Kremlin-Bicêtre :
December 21st, 2019 at 3.30PM
Médiathèque l’Echo du Kremlin-Bicêtre
53 avenue de Fontainebleau
94270 Le Kremlin-Bicêtre
(Métro Ligne 7 : arrêt Kremlin-Bicêtre)
Reserve a ticket email : contact@aituamusic.com